Monthly Archives: November 2023

How Prenuptial Agreements Work
A prenuptial agreement is a type of legal contract that couples can enter into before marriage that determines what will happen to their assets in the event of a divorce. These kinds of agreements have become more and more popular, as they provide couples with a surefire way to protect their financial futures. Read… Read More »

Reviewing Your Florida Parenting Plan
Parents who share custody of a child in Florida will need to have a parenting plan in place to protect their parental rights and enforce things like visitation and child support. These parenting plans, however, while they are legally enforceable court orders, aren’t set in stone, as they can be modified if the need… Read More »

The Consequences Of Unpaid Support
When a couple divorces, it can be difficult to separate their finances, ensuring that both parties have the resources they need to move on with their lives. This is especially true for a lesser earning spouse, or the parent with primary custody of the couple’s children. This is where support, whether alimony or child… Read More »

Understanding QDROs
When couples divorce, they must decide how to divide up all of their assets. This includes not only personal possessions, bank accounts, and the family home, but also things like retirement assets. Splitting up these kinds of assets, however, can be complicated and when an employee retirement plan is involved, also requires a QDRO…. Read More »

What To Know About Uncontested Divorce In Florida
Divorce can end up being a financially and emotionally draining process. This is doubly true when couples allow their anger or frustrations to impact the divorce process. Fortunately, divorces don’t always have to be this way. In fact, many couples are able to resolve their own divorce-related disputes in an out-of-court setting, without the… Read More »

New Law Requires Different Formula For Calculating Durational Alimony In Florida
This summer, Florida’s new alimony law officially went into effect. While one of the biggest changes made by the bill was the abolishing of permanent alimony, this was by no means the only alimony-related change that could affect divorcing couples in the future. The new law, for instance, also requires the use of a… Read More »

Preparing For The First Meeting With Your Divorce Lawyer
If you and your spouse have decided to separate and pursue a divorce, you should consider working with an experienced divorce lawyer, who can help walk you through the process. While an obvious first step to these divorce proceedings is to meet with your attorney, there are actually a few steps that you can… Read More »

Nuptial Agreements Can Help Protect Your Child’s Interests
There are a lot of benefits to nuptial agreements. They can, for instance, be used to safeguard separate property in the event of divorce or death. A lesser known benefit, however, is that they can help protect the financial interests of children from a prior relationship. Read on to learn more about how both… Read More »