Category Archives: Property Division

What Will Happen To My Family Heirlooms During Divorce?
Splitting up assets often proves to be one of the more contentious aspects of divorce. This tends to be particularly true when family heirlooms are involved and one or both parties wishes to keep them. Fortunately, family heirlooms are likely to remain in the sole possession of the original owner, although in these cases,… Read More »

Asset Tracing In A Florida Divorce
Legally ending a marriage is complicated and one of the most difficult aspects of this process often involves dividing up a couple’s assets. As a part of this endeavor, both parties to a divorce will need to disclose certain details about their finances to each other, ensuring that all assets are accounted for, properly… Read More »

Dividing Retirement Assets During Divorce
Often, when couples begin contemplating divorce, they imagine having to divide things like bank accounts, real estate, and personal possessions. While it’s true that divorcing couples do need to split up these kinds of assets, they will also likely have to divide up more complex kinds of properties, like retirement assets. Some retirement assets,… Read More »

Who Gets The House In A Florida Divorce?
Of the many pressing concerns that divorcing couples face when ending their marriage, deciding who will retain the family home often proves to be one of the most complex. Fortunately, couples can try to come up with a solution for this problem on their own in an out-of-court setting, reaching a resolution that is… Read More »

Dividing Artwork During Your Florida Divorce
In Florida, divorcing couples are entitled to a fair share of their marital property, or assets that they acquired during the marriage. This includes property like vehicles, real estate, bank accounts, and personal possessions, as well as more unique assets, such as artwork. Unfortunately, placing a value on these kinds of assets can be… Read More »

Dividing The Proceeds From The Sale Of Your Family Home Upon Divorce
Couples who own a home together and who decide to end their marriage have a few different options when it comes to disposing of that asset. One party, for instance, may wish to keep the property and give the other spouse a larger share of a different asset in exchange. In other cases, the… Read More »

How Are Assets Divided In An Uncontested Florida Divorce?
While no divorce is completely stress-free or without complications, uncontested divorces, which don’t involve litigation, tend to be one of the least stressful and least expensive ways to end a marriage. Part of what makes this process so much simpler, however, is that the parties involved are required to come up with their own… Read More »

How To Protect Your Business During Divorce
Divorce is a complex process that can take a toll on many aspects of a couple’s life, including their business interests. If you or your spouse own a business in Florida and you are considering divorce, there are a few steps that you can take to help protect it. Read on to learn more…. Read More »

What Qualifies As An Asset During Divorce?
Ending a marriage is not only an emotional process, but also a legal one that involves a lot of complicated issues, like asset division. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of confusion over what qualifies as an asset when it comes to property division in Florida, so we’ve included some information to help clarify what’s fair… Read More »

Who Keeps The Car In A Florida Divorce?
A lot of married couples pool their resources and property when they tie the knot, which means that over time, they are often able to achieve a higher standard of living with their dual incomes. Unfortunately, when couples end a marriage, they must usually adjust that standard again, as not only will their household… Read More »