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Fort Lauderdale Divorce > Fort Lauderdale Child Custody Attorney > Fort Lauderdale Full Custody Attorney

Fort Lauderdale Full Custody Attorney

Understanding that Florida courts favor a shared parenting arrangement in most situations, there are times when a child’s interests are best served by one parent maintaining full custody. In these cases, the Fort Lauderdale law offices of Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. can simultaneously advocate your position and work to protect the well being of your child. Contact our experienced Fort Lauderdale child custody attorneys today.

Seeking Full Custody & Sole Parental Responsibility

In Florida, full custody, or sole custody, is called sole parental responsibility. It is when one parent is able to make decisions regarding the child without input from the other parent. This includes minor decisions that need to be made on a day-to-day basis, such as the child’s bedtime, as well as all major decisions, such as the child’s school, medical care and religious upbringing.

Sole parental responsibility will be given to one parent if a court decides that shared parental responsibility would be harmful to the child. In making a decision regarding what is harmful to the child, the court will consider evidence of the following, even if there is no injunction for protection against domestic violence and/or no criminal conviction:

  • Domestic violence
  • Sexual violence
  • Child abuse
  • Neglect
  • Abandonment
  • Active use of drugs or alcohol
  • Untreated mental health issues
  • Providing false information to the court on these issues

In these cases, the judge will make arrangements for time-sharing (visitation) that best protects the child or abused spouse from further harm, which means that the final child custody order may not allow for any time-sharing. Contact our Fort Lauderdale child custody attorney for more information.

Sole Responsibility & Time-Sharing

If a court decides to order time-sharing for a parent who committed violence, the parent with sole parental responsibility can ask that the visits be supervised or very limited. The judge may agree to restricted visits if it is necessary to protect the child’s safety or the parent’s safety. If, however, the judge does not believe that the child or parent remains at risk from the other parent, the judge may order unsupervised time-sharing.

Access to Medical & School Records

In Florida, both parents have the right to access records and information relating to their child, such as medical, dental and school records. This includes the right to talk to the child’s doctor or teacher, as well as looking at the written records. Even when a parent has sole parental responsibility, the only way to keep the other parent from being able to access those records is if a judge specifically denies the parent that right as part of a court order.

Contact Our Fort Lauderdale Full Custody Attorneys Today

If you need knowledgeable legal advice in a Fort Lauderdale child custody dispute, contact Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. to schedule a consultation. We serve clients in Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton and throughout southeast Florida.

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