Category Archives: Guardianship

Types of Guardianship Roles in Florida
Every family is different and it is not uncommon for those charged with looking after children or dependent adults to be someone other than that individual’s birth parents. In many cases, these individuals are known as guardians, although the definition of what qualifies as a guardian depends in large part on the status of… Read More »

What is a Guardian ad Litem?
While many couples are able to reach out-of-court divorce settlements regarding issues like child custody or visitation, or are otherwise able to amicably dissolve their marriages, this is not always possible. This can have serious consequences when a couple’s child is caught in the crossfire, so in an effort to avoid this, courts are… Read More »
The Role of a Guardian Ad Litem in the State of Florida
The role of the guardian ad litem in the state of Florida is governed by Florida statute 61.403. Guardian ad litems are usually appointed in cases involving significant disputes between parents regarding the well being of the child or children. It should be noted that a guardian ad litem is not a mediator for… Read More »
How Do Guardianships In Non-Child Custody Cases Work?
Many have heard of guardianship in the child custody context: A guardian ad litem represents the best interests of a child involved in a child custody dispute. Some have likened them to attorneys representing these children. However, guardians are also established to represent and protect individuals who are in need of providing power of… Read More »
The Pros and Cons of Having a Guardian Ad Litem in a Child Custody/Time-Sharing Case
While we have discussed what a Guardian Ad Litem (Guardian) is and who is qualified to serve in the role, it is also crucial to understand how this person can specifically assist you with child custody and timesharing issues if you are dealing with this type of dispute in Florida. The Role of the… Read More »
What is a Guardian Ad Litem, and What Role Does It Play in Child-Related Disputes?
The guardian ad litem program in Florida trains individuals to represent the child’s best interests (as a fair and impartial third party) when both parties (parents) cannot resolve a dispute. While appointed by the judge, either party can also request that the court appoint a guardian ad litem. Florida state law refers to this… Read More »
Florida Rules for Alternative Custody Arrangements
Although there are alternative child custody/guardianship arrangements available in Florida, legally establishing these relationships can be very complicated. Florida recognizes various arrangements/options based on what is best for the child: informal/physical custody, temporary custody, informal/physical custody with power of attorney, and guardianship. The goal, in providing these options, is to offer the best legal… Read More »