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What To Know About Uncontested Divorce In Florida


Divorce can end up being a financially and emotionally draining process. This is doubly true when couples allow their anger or frustrations to impact the divorce process. Fortunately, divorces don’t always have to be this way. In fact, many couples are able to resolve their own divorce-related disputes in an out-of-court setting, without the interference of a judge, and on their own timeline. This is known as an uncontested divorce and it is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to end a marriage in Florida.

What is an Uncontested Divorce? 

An uncontested divorce is a divorce in which neither party is disputing the outcome. There are a couple of ways that an uncontested divorce can proceed. In one scenario, a spouse could file for divorce and the other party could refuse to respond, acknowledge, or contest the divorce pleadings. In these cases, the spouse who filed would be granted a default divorce. Alternatively, couples can also agree to engage in an uncontested divorce. In these situations, both spouses must agree to terminate their marriage and address all divorce-related issues, including:

  • Property division, which involves deciding how a couple will divide their marital assets;
  • Alimony, in which one higher earning spouse makes post-divorce payments to the lesser earning party;
  • Child support, which is calculated based on the division of parenting time and the parties’ incomes; and
  • Child custody, which is dictated by what type of arrangement would be in a child’s best interests.

The second type of uncontested divorce is the most amicable way to end a marriage, as the parties aren’t required to litigate the issues in court, or leave the determination of those matters up to a judge.

What are the Benefits of an Uncontested Divorce? 

Most legal professionals consider uncontested divorces to be the least expensive and simplest route for ending a marriage. Rather than spending months in court arguing over property division, alimony, and other divorce-related issues, or having to hire specialists and experts to support their case, couples who file for an uncontested divorce can resolve their proceedings in only a few weeks. This type of divorce also often ends up being best for the couples involved. Some studies, for instance, indicate that parents who engage in uncontested divorce are able to co-parent more effectively in the long-term. Proceeding with an uncontested divorce also gives couples the power to come up with their own solutions to divorce-related issues, whereas couples who litigate their divorces must abide by the decisions of a judge, who may not come up with solutions that fit a specific family’s needs.

Fort Lauderdale Uncontested Divorce Lawyer 

To learn more about uncontested divorce and whether it could be right for you and your family, please call experienced Florida uncontested divorce lawyer Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. at 954-945-7591 today. You can also set up a free consultation by reaching out to a member of our legal team via online message.




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