Why You Should Consider Hiring an Expert in Your Divorce Case

While it may be tempting to try and resolve your divorce proceedings on your own, doing so is often much more complicated than it may seem. Many divorces, for example, require the aid of experts who can help discover whether one spouse is hiding assets, how much one party should pay in alimony, and what type of child custody arrangement would be in a family’s best interests. Experts in these areas can have a profound effect on the results of a couple’s divorce, so if you have questions about how an expert could help during your own proceedings, you should contact an experienced Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer who can advise you and if necessary, help you obtain the assistance of a qualified and well-respected team of experts.
Hidden Assets
While it’s never a good idea to try and hide assets from a spouse during divorce, a surprising number of individuals still make an effort to do so. For this reason, many couples choose to hire a forensic accountant who can identify and track down hidden assets, which can in turn, help ensure that all property division agreements are equitable, a requirement under Florida law. Even if an individual does not believe that his or her spouse is hiding assets, obtaining the services of a forensic accountant or other financial expert can play a crucial role in getting a complete picture of a couple’s assets, as these individuals are uniquely equipped to review income, business records, investments, and retirement accounts.
Spousal Maintenance
There are a number of different types of alimony awards in Florida. Which type a person qualifies for, the amount and form of the payment, and the length of the award in a specific case, however, depends largely on the couple’s circumstances, including: the length of the marriage, each spouse’s income, and both parties’ physical and mental health. Besides the length of the marriage, assessing these factors can be complicated and often requires the aid of a vocational specialist who can interview both parties and:
- Determine each spouse’s current qualifications;
- Assess both parties’ job histories;
- Assess each spouse’s level of education and training; and
- Determine what training or education is necessary for each party to support him or herself.
Vocational specialists will also review the job market for the parties’ specific fields to help predict when each spouse could be expected to join the workforce, if they have not yet done so.
Child Custody
In Florida, all child custody awards and arrangements are based on what would be in a child’s best interests. A parenting expert can play a critical role in making this determination by providing the court with valuable information about the environments in both parents’ homes, each party’s child rearing philosophies, and both parents’ employment, as well as any specific considerations regarding a child’s emotional or physical health. All of this information, including the opinion of an impartial third party can help judges create a custody award that will reflect what is best for a child.
Are You Considering Divorce?
If you are thinking about filing for divorce, please contact experienced Florida divorce lawyer Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. for help. You can reach a member of our team and schedule a consultation by calling our office at 954-945-7591 today.