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Rehabilitative Alimony In Florida


Alimony is a type of financial support that is paid by one former spouse to another to help the latter maintain the standard of living that was established during the marriage. There are actually a few different types of alimony in Florida, all of which vary in amount, form, and duration. Two types that are most often confused with each other, however, are bridge-the-gap alimony and rehabilitative alimony. Both are intended to help lesser earning spouses become financially self-sufficient, but do so in different ways. Bridge-the-gap alimony, for instance, helps recipients transition to becoming a head-of-household by providing them with temporary financial support, while rehabilitative alimony awards allows for support of a recipient while he or she attempts to complete a specific plan that will enable financial independence.

What is Rehabilitative Alimony?

Rehabilitative alimony provides recipients with financial support until they can become self-sufficient. However, to qualify for this type of award, a person must have a specific goal in place that if achieved, will allow for financial independence. These plans can be based on:

  • The redevelopment of previous skills or credentials; or
  • The acquisition of education, training, or work experience necessary to developing employment skills.

For instance, many rehabilitative alimony plans involve the recipient attending college to finish a degree, signing up for a trade school to learn a new skill, or even obtaining a professional license, all of which will increase that person’s chances of finding employment. The end goal of the plan should be an increase in skills or knowledge allowing recipients to support themselves.

How Do I Ask for Rehabilitative Alimony?

Rehabilitative alimony is intended to help provide a former spouse with the ability to become self-supporting. While the length of the marriage plays a role in most alimony cases, courts will often focus more on the impact that a marriage had on the petitioner’s earning potential. If the party seeking alimony, for instance, abandoned his or her career to take care of a couple’s children, then rehabilitative alimony could be appropriate, regardless of the length of the marriage. Conversely, if a person is seeking rehabilitative alimony after the end of a ten year marriage, but cannot provide evidence that the marriage hindered his or her earning capacity, then rehabilitative alimony most likely won’t be awarded. Besides demonstrating a decline in earning potential because of their marriage, petitioners will also need to prove that the plan will permit financial self-sufficiency. The plan in question must be definite and detailed and must be feasible.

Consult a Dedicated Florida Alimony Lawyer

Obtaining a divorce can have significant financial repercussions for the parties involved, especially if one earns less than the other and depends on his or her spouse for support. In these cases, courts often award rehabilitative alimony to help recipients become self-sufficient. For help determining whether you could qualify for this type of award, reach out to experienced Fort Lauderdale alimony attorney Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. You can reach a member of our legal team by calling 954-945-7591 or via online message.




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