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Protecting Your Children From Divorce


Most people don’t go into divorce imagining that the union will end in divorce. The reality, however, is that nearly 40 percent of marriages are legally dissolved. Whether two spouses simply grow apart or merely want different things, how they go about handling that divorce is extremely important, especially for couples who share children. Although we’ve included a few tips to help spare your own children some of the stress that so often accompanies divorce, we also recognize that every family’s situation is unique and that certain steps for one family may not be appropriate for another. For help handling your own divorce in a way that is best for your own family, please call an experienced Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer today.

Talk to Your Children Early On

It is not uncommon for couples to put off telling their children about their impending divorce for as long as possible. While this can admittedly be a very difficult discussion, waiting to talk about the divorce until later on in the process is rarely a good idea. Children pick up much more than most adults realize, so it’s likely that children (unless they are very young) have already likely noticed the ongoing struggle between their parents. Being left out of the loop regarding a divorce can result in a child feeling alienated, so it is often in a family’s best interests to sit down with their children early on in the divorce process and explain calmly and clearly what is going on in a way that they will understand.

Avoid Bad-Mouthing the Other Parent

It can be easy to voice frustrations about a spouse, either directly to a child, or in that child’s hearing. This kind of conduct, however, tends to be damaging to children, who may begin to resent one or both parents. Speaking ill of the other parent can not only seriously damage a child’s relationship with the other parent, but can have devastating consequences for the child’s emotional and mental well-being. Disparaging a former partner in front of a child can even affect a custody arrangement, including how often that parent can see his or her child. Ultimately, avoiding contention and unkind language in front of one’s children is the best way to avoid this kind of outcome for divorcing parents.

Maintain a Sense of Normalcy

Divorce can totally upset what a child thinks of as his or her normal life. They will, for instance, usually have to get used to a new home, two sets of holidays, and the potential introduction of new romantic partners into the family. Some of these changes are simply unavoidable for divorcing parents. There are, however, steps that parents can take to keep the rest of their children’s lives as normal as possible, including keeping them in the same school, staying involved in after school activities, and staying loyal to family traditions.

Are You Planning to Divorce?

If you have children with your partner and are planning on ending your marriage, you will undoubtedly have to deal with the emotional backlash from your children. For help coming up with a parenting plan that eases this disruption as much as possible, please call experienced Florida divorce lawyer Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. at 954-945-7591 today.



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