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Opportunities for Florida Same-Sex Couples


Since the June 2015 Supreme Court ruling in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges same-sex couples across the United States can now enjoy various legal protections. The ruling mandated that every couple has a fundamental right to marry. With this recognition of same-sex marriage comes access to many rights protecting your assets and family. If you are in a same-sex relationship and you are curious about what this ruling means for you in the state of Florida, you should reach out to a knowledgeable family law attorney. Your attorney will be able to review the specifics of your situation and ensure you are receiving all of the legal benefits you are entitled to.

What Are You Entitled To?

With the uniform legality of same-sex marriage across the United States comes the opportunity for couples to plan and transfer their estates if necessary. Additionally, couples are now able to enter into marriages with pre-established parental rights and prenuptial agreements. Prior to the Supreme Court’s decision, same-sex couples were far too aware of the struggles associated with the inability to enjoy these legal protections. However, the Supreme Court’s ruling does not remove any prejudices or obstacles that society may present. Unfortunately, individual institutions still have barriers for same-sex couples that make it tougher for couples to adopt a child or manage their spouse’s medical care.

Many of our laws and statutes are ill-equipped to handle the equality rights of same-sex couples. The legal bureaucracy behind the scenes is unaccustomed to serving the needs of same-sex couples; however, this doesn’t mean they are unable to serve you. If you desire to adopt a child or become parents through other means your attorney will be able to advise you on the best path to ensure you can grow your family while still being protected. Family law attorneys are experienced in dealing with the push-back of stringent adoption agencies who may give same-sex couples a difficult time. An attorney will be able to express your right to be recognized as a family and can navigate you through the complex adoption process.

Further, same-sex couples may run into obstacles associated with their healthcare providers. Regardless of the country’s laws, some health care providers can be reluctant to recognize same-sex couples as families. However, careful understanding of the health care system and your health care provider’s requests can ensure that you are prepared should a health crisis arise. Couples who are adequately prepared and have met the requirements of the United States Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) can ensure that they have access to their spouse’s medical records in a time of need.

Do You Need Assistance?

If you or someone you know is in a same-sex relationship and feels like their rights are being infringed upon it is critical that you contact a family law attorney immediately. Under no circumstance should a same-sex couple struggle to obtain normal legal protections and benefits. In all circumstances, it is best to discuss with your attorney to ensure you and your partner are being treated fairly and are receiving all of the benefits the law affords. Contact Attorney Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. in Fort Lauderdale for the protection you deserve. Attorney Bonfiglio is proud to serve same-sex couples in the fight for what they deserve.



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