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New Study Reveals Women Should Advocate For Paternity Leave

A new study just released by the Peterson Institute for International Economics—titled “Is Gender Diversity Profitable? Evidence from a Global Survey”–has been making headlines for a reason—and an unexpected reason, at that. The study found that, in countries that offer generous paternity leave, women are better able to obtain leadership positions and promotions in the workforce. This study could have huge implications for the United States, where more women are graduating from college and making it through graduate school, but more men are obtaining leadership positions in the workforce.

The explanation offered is rather simple: if men do not get time off to help with the task of caring for children, women end up having to stay home to look after them, and are usually expected to balance both work and family. But it also feeds into an issue that may be less obvious: institutions currently act as though “investing” training and mentoring young men versus young women will be a better investment precisely because of this phenomenon. Although not the only factor that has contributed to a lack of women in leadership positions, it appears to be a major one, on a global level.

As of now, 96 percent of men in America go back to work within two weeks of their child being born while—in some other countries—around 35 percent are actually taking leave. In addition, only three U.S. states offer paid family leave: California, New Jersey, and Rhode Island, while approximately 70 countries offer paid paternity leave, specifically.

Gender Bias Helps No One

However, it cuts both ways: other studies have indicated that men who request for family time off are more than twice as likely to have their requests rejected versus women who request the time off. Even those that were given the time off were still unsure how it would affect their career, overall, and those that never asked for time off were more confident of being promoted or attaining a leadership position.

Conversely, Gender Equality Equals Profit

Interestingly, the study also documented that having women in leadership (executive) positions leads to more profits in general. And—where women are in leadership—there happen to be stronger paternity leave policies. It also found that, in these circumstances, women missed less work, were less likely to suffer from postpartum depression, and were less likely to be subjected to unequal hiring practices overall, where childbearing was not registered as a “risk” during the hiring or promotion process.

Dedicated Family Law Counsel

If you are going through any legal issues related to your family, you do not have to go through them alone. Having an experienced attorney by your side—advising you of your rights—can make all the difference. At the law office of Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A., we are here to help you. Contact us today if you live in Florida and need assistance.

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