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New Study Highlights Similarities in Child Outcomes between Same-Sex and Different-Sex Parents

A new study just released dispels the age-old myth that same-sex couples cannot be good parents by using scientifically-sound principles to break apart some discriminatory theories. Specifically, researchers from top institutions found absolutely no differences with same-sex couples when it came to partner relationships, a child’s emotional and overall health, or parent-child relationships, in this groundbreaking study released by the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law.

This study may have the most repercussions on adoption, specifically, as the claim that children who have same-sex parents face more emotional and health issues has been put forth as a justification to deny adoption rights to some same-sex couples, forcing them to continually face extra hurdles when it comes to adopting children in general.

Specific Findings

The study specifically looked at factors such as parenting stress and effects on child outcomes, finding that there were no differences when it came to whether parents were in a same-sex relationship or not. Although it did not affect parenting success specifically, the study did, however, find more stress present in general amongst same-sex parents (likely due to the increased barriers they face in society). The researchers have indicated that future investigations may explore whether same-sex couples feel more pressured to justify the quality of their parenting, thus leading to increased parenting stress in general.

A History of Discrimination

While many heard about the clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, the public has largely been kept in the dark when it comes to same-sex couples seeking to adopt, and agencies claiming that their religion prohibits them from serving same-sex couples. Some individuals have even had adoption agencies hang up on them after being asked if they would help foster children with same-sex couples.

Repercussions in the Courts

This particular new study will likely prove to be beneficial to same-sex couples seeking to adopt children and fight family planning-based discrimination practices. It has been published in the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, which is the official journal of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.

To finally have a scientific document to rely on in court and other scenarios will be beneficial to same-sex couples. In fact, in recent years, testimony based on drawing comparisons between children from various backgrounds has been put forth yet thrown out by the courts as being invalid because it was not science-based, peer-reviewed, published, etc.

Adoption Rights for Same-Sex Couples

Regardless of whether you are in a same-sex relationship or not, you have the right to adopt a child jointly with your partner. At the law office of Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A., we are proud to serve LGBT communities and protect their equal rights when it comes to family planning. It is uplifting to see that new scientific studies are supporting basic common sense equal rights, as well.

To obtain legal assistance with your adoption or family law issue, contact our office in Fort Lauderdale today so that we can get started helping you.

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