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Negotiating Child Custody As A Single Father In Fort Lauderdale


Negotiating child custody in Fort Lauderdale is a sensitive matter, and it is not uncommon for issues between the parents to arise. Unfortunately, this is particularly common in cases involving single fathers. Personal disputes with the mother can impact their rights and relationship with their children long afterward.

If you are a single father facing child custody proceedings through the Broward County Court, get experienced legal help to ensure you and your child are protected. Our Fort Lauderdale child custody attorney outlines the process for seeking custody rights and offers tips for successful negotiations.

Including Single Fathers In Fort Lauderdale Child Custody Arrangements

In cases of divorced and single parents in Fort Lauderdale, the Florida Statutes generally encourage child time-sharing arrangements. This allows both parents to remain active in their child’s life. However, single fathers typically face more obstacles in these proceedings, especially in cases where, for whatever reasons, they previously were not active in the child’s life or included on the birth certificate.

The father may have been unaware of the birth, the mother may have refused visitation or other problems may exist that make the situation problematic. Regardless of the relationship between the couple or what may have happened in the past, biological fathers in Florida still have certain rights. But, to obtain visitation or partial custody, you may need to take the following steps:

  • Establish legal paternity;
  • Attend child support hearings and make prompt payments;
  • File a custody petition with the Broward County Court, requesting to be included in any child time-sharing arrangements;
  • Provide evidence that you are capable of being a caring and responsible parent;
  • Demonstrate your ability to provide for your child’s needs and to put their best interests first.

Tips for Single Fathers In Negotiating Child Custody and Time-Sharing Arrangements

As a single father, having a close relationship with your child and being active in their lives is a top priority. However, ensuring you get included in child custody and time-sharing arrangements can be challenging. Knowing what to expect helps protect your rights.

Child custody and time-sharing are generally negotiated between the parents and their legal representatives or in mediation. To get the best possible outcome, our Fort Lauderdale custody attorney encourages single fathers to follow these tips:

  • Be flexible and willing to compromise in meeting your child’s needs;
  • Stay focused on what is best for your child rather than any personal grievances;
  • Be respectful in your communications and keep your cool when disputes arise;
  • Avoid discussing the matter with anyone other than your attorney;
  • Keep detailed records of all communications with the other parent, visits with your child, and financial contributions.

Protect Your Parental Rights. Contact Our Experienced Fort Lauderdale Child Custody Attorney.

As a single father, negotiating child custody or time-sharing arrangements often poses challenges. To protect your rights, get the professional legal representation you need from our experienced Fort Lauderdale child custody attorney. Sandra Bonfiglio takes the legal actions necessary to help ensure you remain active in your child’s life. Contact our office today and request a consultation.




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