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How Long After Mediation Will It Take To Finalize My Divorce?


The answer to this question depends on the specific facts of a family’s case. In some instances, for example, mediation may not be successful, in which case, its resolution won’t result in the finalization of a divorce. Instead, the parties will need to move forward with litigation, which could take months or even years. If, on the other hand, a couple is able to resolve all divorce-related issues through mediation, then a divorce could be finalized in as little as three weeks. To learn more about the ins and outs of divorce mediation, reach out to our legal team today.

Was Mediation Successful? 

It’s important to understand that while most couples are required to at least attempt mediation at some point in their divorce proceedings, this doesn’t mean that it will be successful. Mediation is designed to help couples negotiate a settlement on their own in a professional setting and with the help of experts. However, not all couples are able to reach an agreement, in which case, there isn’t a timeline for when the divorce will be finalized. It could take anywhere from a few months to over a year. If, on the other hand, a couple is able to reach an agreement on divorce-related issues, like property division, child custody, and alimony, then the parties can move forward with the finalization process, which in turn, requires the drafting of a final agreement. 

Drafting and Review 

How long it takes to draft a divorce settlement will depend on how complicated the divorce is, but with both parties’ attorneys working on it, it could be achieved within a couple of weeks. Once this has been accomplished, the court will still need to review the agreement to ensure that:

  • The terms are fair to both parties;
  • The terms of the agreement don’t violate state law;
  • Both spouses voluntarily agreed to the arrangement;
  • The mediator acted appropriately and in an unbiased fashion throughout the proceedings; and
  • The parties had adequate legal representation.

How long it takes to review these agreements will depend on the complexity of the arrangement, as well as the court’s schedule. 

Waiting Period 

Couples who are able to reach an agreement through divorce mediation, draft that agreement, and then seek approval from the court will still need to wait for the entirety of the statutory waiting period to elapse. Fortunately, the waiting period in Florida is only 20 days from the date of filing, so most couples who engage in mediation don’t have to wait much longer before they can seek review of the agreement in court and the ultimate finalization of their divorce.

Call a Florida Divorce Mediation Lawyer 

The amount of time that it takes to finalize a divorce following mediation depends on a number of different factors. If you think your own family could benefit from divorce mediation, you need help drafting a final agreement, or you have other questions about mediation in Florida, feel free to call dedicated Fort Lauderdale divorce mediation attorney Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. at 954-945-7591 today.




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