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Ground Rules For Living Together While Going Through A Divorce


While a couple may want to obtain separate residences while going through a divorce, doing so is not always an option. Often, couples may find themselves needing to wait until their shared home is sold, or they may need to grapple with other financial challenges that make maintaining two households impossible. Whatever the case, couples who are in a safe and amicable relationship may wish to remain under the same roof, at least until their divorce is finalized. This can be a complex undertaking, so we’ve included a few tips for couples who want to try living together for the remainder of their divorce proceedings. For help negotiating this type of arrangement with your spouse, or to discuss another divorce-related legal question, consider reaching out to an experienced Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer for assistance.

Establishing a Manageable Budget

One of the most helpful things that a married couple can do to make cohabitation work while going through a divorce is coming up with a manageable budget early in the proceedings. Both parties should sit down and determine which financial obligations each will be responsible for and how much will be spent on certain expenses, like rent, groceries, and entertainment. While this may be a relatively simple process for spouses who have roughly the same income, it can be more complicated if one party earns significantly more than the other. In the latter case, careful negotiation may be necessary.

Allocating Responsibilities

Many couples who live together during the pendency of their divorce proceedings find that sharing household responsibilities can help reduce conflict. Couples should think about allocating chores fairly and planning a specific time to complete them. Each spouse should also have his or her own personal space, as a roommate would. In fact, thinking of the other person as a roommate can be extremely helpful in these situations. For instance, each party should wash his or her own dishes, or avoid eating food that the other person purchased, unless they have agreed to share and should be mindful of the time spent in shared living spaces.

Arranging a Parenting Schedule

Couples with children should also come up with a parenting schedule, in which each parent’s responsibilities are carefully listed. Sharing child drop-offs and pick-ups can help keep the family’s schedule running smoothly, as can sharing duties like help with homework or making dinner. A parenting schedule can also ensure that children adjust to their parents’ separation, which may be more difficult when a couple is still living together.

Confidential Consultations Available

Couples who are considerate and exercise patience are often able to successfully continue living together while going through a divorce. For help determining whether this type of arrangement is workable for you and your family, please call dedicated Florida divorce lawyer Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. You can set up a meeting by calling our office at 954-945-7591, or by submitting one of our online contact forms. Initial consultations are offered free of charge, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us by phone or online message today.



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