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Filing For Divorce Without An Attorney?


Filing for divorce can be a trying time for an individual and their family. Financial resources may be scarce, and the idea of filing for divorce without the assistance of a divorce lawyer may seem appealing. There are an abundance of resources available and using forms provided by a local courthouse or seeking advice from “how-to” websites may seem adequate, however; this is not the case. The divorce process can be tedious and time-consuming, and any misstep in the filing process may lead to an irreversible negative result. It is always best to seek the advice of an experienced attorney to guide you through the process to ensure you are being treated fairly and receive the result you deserve.

What Does An Attorney Do?

When an individual files for divorce without an attorney it is referred to as filing “Pro se”. This is a Latin term meaning acting on your own behalf in court, without the advice or help of a lawyer. In instances where someone files their divorce petition Pro se there is a chance that things will go smoothly and the individual will not encounter any issues. However, as all divorce attorneys know, the potential for any little thing to go wrong typically does go wrong. And to make matters worse, an individual that files for divorce Pro se will most likely be working against an opposing attorney who is doing everything in their power to ensure their client’s best interests are being taken care of.

One of the most important factors in divorce proceedings is communication. Often times divorce proceedings can be difficult for the parties involved and communication channels may be limited. That is where an attorney comes in to speak on your behalf to ensure that your wishes and desires are being properly communicated and accommodated. Further, it is vital that all necessary documentation is filed in a timely manner. Failure to do so can result in delays or sanctions. Fortunately, an attorney will know when and how documents should be submitted to ensure proceedings are not delayed.

What Can Go Wrong?

There are horror stories of misspellings or misinformation leading to divorce decisions being vacated. Often times something as simple as a misspelled name can lead the opposition to file to have a previous decision vacated. In other instances, one side of the divorce feels taken advantage of simply because they did not have adequate counsel. Further, missed notices and missed court dates can also have negative impacts on your claim. All in all, when attempting to ensure that all marital assets are fairly distributed, and your best interests are being preserved, it is critical that you have aggressive representation by your side.

Need Help?

The mental and emotional toll of going through a divorce can be extraordinarily taxing, and trying to represent yourself though the process can be downright unbearable. If you or someone you know is filing for divorce it is critical that you do not do so alone. An experienced divorce attorney can be an invaluable resource during the process. Call or stop by the Fort Lauderdale office of Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. to get the representation you deserve.

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