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Category Archives: Fort Lauderdale Child Support


How Long Do I Have To Pay Child Support?

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

In Florida, couples are only allowed to finalize their divorces when they have contended with a number of divorce-related issues, including property division and alimony. If, however, a couple shares children, then they must also grapple with child custody and child support. The latter can be especially complicated, requiring parents to carefully calculate their… Read More »


What Counts As Income When Calculating Child Support?

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

When it comes to calculating child support, essentially any payment from any source could qualify as income, which is one of the most important factors that courts use in determining a child support obligation. This means that a parent’s salary and wages may not be the only sources of funds that a court will… Read More »


Setting Up Temporary Child Support

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Parents who decide to separate can expect a child custody agreement to be put in place before their divorce can be finalized. Accompanying such a plan will be a child support order, which details how much a non-custodial parent will need to pay to the custodial parent every month to financially support the child…. Read More »


Florida Child Support Myths

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Even though a lot of people pay or receive child support in Florida, there are still a lot of misconceptions about these kinds of payments. These myths can cloud the topic and make it difficult for separating or divorcing parents to get a handle on what their financial obligations towards their children will be… Read More »


Florida’s Child Support Guidelines Work A Bit Differently For High Income Parents

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Florida, like many states, has specific guidelines that it uses to spell out how much divorcing parents should pay in child support, an amount that is based on how much the parties earn, the family’s expenses, and the number of children being supported. Unlike other states, however, Florida also has a provision in its… Read More »


The Consequences Of Missing Child Support Payments

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Child support payments ensure that a child receives the things that he or she needs, including everything from housing and food to clothing and tuition. Payments can, however, end up being a financial burden for the paying parent, especially if he or she experiences a job loss. In other cases, a parent may simply… Read More »


Do I Still Need To Pay Child Support If We Share Custody Equally?

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Although it would perhaps be easier for divorced parents if each were responsible for exactly 50 percent of their child’s finances and no court order were required, this rarely happens. Instead, most child custody arrangements involve a more complicated division of time and responsibilities. However, couples who are able to reach such an agreement,… Read More »


The Penalties For Missing Child Support Payments

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Parents who separate or divorce are still obligated to support their children. This often takes the form of a legal order, requiring one parent to pay child support to the other. While situations can change and a parent may find him or herself unable or unwilling to pay those amounts, they should be aware… Read More »


Top Questions About Child Support

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Divorce can push a person to his or her emotional limits, especially when a couple shares children. For instance, many parents have concerns about how they will financially support their children after divorce, so to help, we’ve included a few answers to the most common questions we hear about child support in Florida. For… Read More »


Collecting Past Due Child Support After Your Child Turns 18

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

The divorce of two parents doesn’t change those parties’ obligation to financially support their child. This obligation, however, isn’t necessarily permanent. In Florida, the general rule is that non-custodial parents are no longer obligated to pay support after their child reaches the age of 18 years old. This rule does not, however, affect any… Read More »

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