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An Overview of Alimony Awards in Florida


One of the issues with which divorcing couples must grapple after filing for divorce is whether one of the parties will be required to provide spousal maintenance to the other, either on a short-term or long-term basis. Which of these arrangements applies depends in large part on the parties’ financial circumstances, as well as the length of the marriage, making it especially important for divorcing parties to consult with an experienced Fort Lauderdale alimony attorney who can ensure that any settlement reached by the parties is equitable and fair.

Types of Alimony  

There are six types of alimony that a person can be awarded in Florida, including:

  • Temporary alimony, the amount of which is based on an analysis of both parties’ incomes and standard of living;
  • Permanent alimony, which is usually reserved for marriages lasting longer than 17 years;
  • Lump sum alimony, which, rather than regular payments, takes the form of a single award and often involves the sale of certain marital property;
  • Rehabilitative alimony, which is awarded when one spouse wants to pursue education or job training in order to make him or herself more employable;
  • Bridge-the-gap alimony, which is awarded to one spouse to help him or her make the transition from married life to single life; and
  • Durational alimony, which is a temporary form of alimony and is usually paid for an amount of time that doesn’t exceed the length of the marriage.

Before a court will award any of these types of alimony, however, both parties must provide financial documentation related to their assets, debts, bank statements, tax returns, personal financial statements, credit card statements, and income.

Alimony Determinations   

When determining whether alimony is appropriate in a certain case, a judge will assess a number of factors, including:

  • The length of the marriage, as alimony awards tend to be larger for marriages lasting longer than 12 years and even non-existent for marriages that lasted only a few years;
  • The parties’ skills and job experience, which are good indicators for how well the parties will be able to support themselves following divorce;
  • The age and physical and emotional well-being of both parties;
  • Both parties’ financial resources;
  • The standard of living enjoyed during the marriage; and
  • Each party’s contribution to the marriage, which requires an analysis of whether one party performed child care-related tasks, provided homemaking services, or assisted the other party in building his or her career.

For help determining whether these factors weigh for or against you in your own divorce, please contact a member of our dedicated alimony legal team today.

Contact an Experienced Fort Lauderdale Alimony Attorney 

If you are considering divorce and have concerns about how you will support yourself following divorce, please contact compassionate and experienced alimony attorney Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. for a free case evaluation. You can reach us at 954-945-7591 or by completing one of our brief online contact forms. A member of our legal team is standing by and eager to begin assisting you with your alimony-related questions and concerns at your earliest convenience.




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