Adding A Father To A Child’s Birth Certificate

When a child’s parents aren’t married at the time of the birth, the father’s name will only be included on the certificate if both parties request it immediately. Fortunately, even for those who decide not to put a father’s name on the birth certificate at the time of the birth, there are other ways to add the name at a later date. Keep reading to learn more and don’t hesitate to reach out to an experienced Fort Lauderdale paternity lawyer for more information.
If Both Parents Consent and are Unmarried
While it’s true that a parent can add a father’s name to a child’s birth certificate later on, doing so is only possible when certain conditions are met. For instance, the child’s mother must have been unmarried at the time of the birth and there can be no other man listed as the child’s father on the birth record. If both of these requirements are met and the parents are still unmarried, then the child’s parents will need to give their consent and sign an Acknowledgement of Paternity form in the presence of a notary and two witnesses. If, for some reason, the parties decide to withdraw the request, they can do so, but will need to attend a court hearing within 60 days of signing.
Once the proper paternity forms have been completed, the parties will need to submit them, with a copy of the child’s original birth certificate, to the Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics, which will then amend the birth certificate.
If the Parents Marry After the Birth
If a child’s mother is unmarried at the time of the birth, but later marries the child’s father, then he will become the legal father of that child. This does not mean, however, that the father’s name will automatically be added to the child’s birth certificate. To add his name, both parents will need to complete the Affirmation of Common Child Born in Florida. Alternatively, the parties can provide a written statement to the Clerk of Court when applying for a marriage license. The Clerk of Court will then send the form or statement to the Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics for the formal amendment of the child’s birth certificate.
If One of the Parents Doesn’t Consent
If one of the parents doesn’t agree to voluntarily acknowledge paternity, then a court order will be required to change the child’s birth certificate, which will only be granted after the parties provide genetic samples. If the test results establish that the man is the child’s biological father, then the courts will issue an Administrative Order of Paternity and ask the Bureau of Vital Statistics to amend the child’s birth certificate. Parents can also attempt to go through the Child Support Program, without going to court.
Do You Need Help Establishing Paternity of Your Child?
There are actually a few different ways to go about adding a father’s name to a child’s birth certificate in Florida. Call dedicated Fort Lauderdale paternity lawyer Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. today at 954-945-7591 to find out which method is right for you.