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Monthly Archives: October 2023


Child Support And Private School

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Most child support orders don’t specifically require a parent to pay for private school tuition. A court can, however, require a parent to pay such expenses as a part of his or her child support order in limited circumstances. Read on to learn more about when courts are willing to award private school tuition… Read More »


Automatically Modifying Your Parenting Plan

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

In most cases, parents who wish to modify a parenting plan, whether they want to change the time-sharing schedule or modify how parental responsibility is divided, will need to ask the court to approve the change. There is, however, an exception to this rule that allows parents to include a provision in their parenting… Read More »


Planning For A Gray Divorce In Florida

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Divorce tends to be a difficult process regardless of the parties’ ages. Couples who divorce after retirement, however, often face unique challenges, which can make the process even more complex. Read on to learn more about some of the issues you may encounter if you file for a gray divorce. What is Gray Divorce? … Read More »


What Is Equal Time-Sharing?

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Earlier this year, Florida lawmakers passed a groundbreaking piece of legislation that requires courts to presume that equal time-sharing, or a 50/50 split, is in a child’s best interests. While it is possible to overcome this presumption, the law is considered by many to be a major step towards a fairer custody process. 50/50… Read More »


Helping Your Child Adjust To Post-Divorce Life

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Making significant changes in a child’s life, regardless of the situation can be difficult, as children often lack the maturity and understanding to fully grasp the nature of the change. Helping a child adapt to these changes can be particularly difficult, however, when two parents are divorced. For instance, even when two parents share… Read More »


What Is A Case Management Conference?

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

During many divorce proceedings, the court will schedule what is known as a case management conference. These meetings, which involve the attendance of both parties, their attorneys, and the judge, are basically designed to ensure that a couple’s divorce proceedings are moving forward as they should. Read on to learn more about the issues… Read More »


What Does Florida Child Support Cover?

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Child support is a very important part of family law that helps ensure that children receive the financial support they need to lead healthy lives. In most cases, it is the noncustodial parent who is required to make these monthly monetary contributions. These payments cover a wide range of costs, including everything from housing… Read More »


Business Valuation In Divorce

By Sandra Bonfiglio |

Dividing assets often proves to be one of the most difficult aspects of divorce. The situation can become even more complex when one of the assets that a couple owns is a business. In these cases, a business valuation will play a crucial role in helping the parties reach a fair agreement on how… Read More »

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