Three New Year’s Resolutions For Divorcing Couples

The New Year’s holiday is a good time for reflection not only on the things that took place during the previous year, but on what a person hopes to accomplish in the next one. It can, unfortunately, be hard to see things that way when going through a divorce. Just because you are still going through the divorce process does not, however, mean that you can’t make new goals for this year. In fact, there are a few New Year’s resolutions that many divorcing couples find helpful to make in January and work on throughout the year.
Evaluate Your Financial Situation
No matter what your finances were like during your marriage, you can expect them to look different upon the finalization of your divorce. To prepare, try to focus on getting your finances in order by creating a sustainable budget, planning for long-term expenses, and reassessing your investments. These evaluations often start with determining how much you can depend on for income every month, tallying your expenses, and accounting for taxes and other obligations. Taking stock of your assets and debts is a good idea at this stage and will help you get a better handle on your finances in the new year.
Assess Your Priorities
People rarely make it out of divorce with all of the things they want and those who expect to do so will only end up disappointed. If you’re going through divorce this January, focus on what’s most important to you and where you are willing and unwilling to compromise. Custody of your child may be the most important thing to you, or if you don’t have kids, the fate of the family home. Keeping a business in the family could be your priority, or who will get to keep the dog. No matter what it is, you should carefully identify your priorities so that you can work towards achieving them in 2023.
Focus on Self-Care
It can be difficult to focus on your own well-being during divorce, but it is absolutely critical that you do so to some degree. Make sure that you’re getting enough sleep and are eating regular, healthy, and balanced meals. Take time for things you enjoy, like walking the dog, going to the movies, or reading a good book. It’s also important to celebrate milestones along the way, acknowledging when you make progress in court or successfully negotiate something in your settlement agreement. Losing focus on your own mental health and well-being during divorce happens a lot and can make it harder for people to move on when their divorce does get finalized.
The Legal Help You Deserve
We know how daunting the divorce process can be, so as you start this new year and reevaluate what you want from your own life, consider reaching out to dedicated and compassionate Florida divorce lawyer Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. for help. You do not have to go through this ordeal alone, but can benefit from the assistance and support of our experienced legal team.