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Dealing with An Unexpected Divorce


In most instances, a couple can see a divorce coming from a mile away. A divorce can often seem inevitable and in certain cases couples may jointly file for divorce. Although, painful and shocking most divorces do not come as a surprise to either individual in the relationship. However, there are cases where one spouse files for divorce out of the blue, with little or no warning when they notify their previously content spouse that their marriage is over. A situation like this can seem unbearable, almost as if the rug was pulled out from under your life. Regardless, if you find yourself in either of these situations, it is critical that you reach out to an experienced divorce attorney to ensure that your interests are being protected.


The repercussions of being blindsided by a divorce can be devastating. Your life may feel like it was turned upside down in the blink of an eye and you may feel hopeless. However, it is important that you remember that you will get through it. It is crucial that you focus on getting all the help you can in order to be supported during this trying time.

Additionally, you should immediately begin surveying all of your financial information, ensure that you can account for all of the assets you and your spouse own. You should immediately freeze all spending and close any joint accounts under the couple’s name. If you have little to no credit it is also a good time to open a credit card account to establish credit. Further, it is important that you obtain tax statements and bank account information. If your spouse is tampering with your assets or withholding documentation from you may need to have your attorney handle the situation.

It is also important to note that should you feel threatened by your spouse, you may need to take further legal action. Unfortunately, there are situations where the strain and pressure of divorce may cause a spouse to threaten acts of violence if their terms are not agreed to. Understand that should any threat be made you should contact local law enforcement to request a restraining order. A restraining order can protect your children and also keep your estranged spouse from visiting you.

Are You Going Through A Divorce?

During a divorce, it is imperative that you do not agree to anything without first consulting an attorney. Your spouse may move swiftly to offer you financial agreements and parenting plans, and you may feel pressured to appease your spouse, however, any document should be reviewed by a legal and financial professional first.

Unfortunately, “happily ever after” results in divorce far too often. The experience of a family being separated is trying for everyone involved. If you are considering a divorce, it is important that you contact an attorney to discuss your situation in-depth. An attorney will be by your side through the process to ensure you receive the parenting situation and assets you desire. Contact Fort Lauderdale attorney Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. to discuss your situation and determine a course of action that is best for you.

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