Coping Strategies For Individuals And Families Going Through Divorce

Even when couples go into the process with an open mind and a focus on compromise and communication, divorce tends to be an emotional and stressful experience. Ending a marriage can bring a lot of uncertainty and even when it’s the right thing for a family, it can lead to feelings of grief and fear. Fortunately, there are a lot of different coping strategies that families can use to help transition to post-divorce life with as little upheaval as possible. Read on to learn more about some of the coping strategies available to you and your family at this difficult time.
The Emotional Impact of Divorce
Divorce affects the individuals involved in a lot of different ways and can cause a wide range of emotions, including:
- Anger, which can be directed at the other spouse or at oneself;
- Fear about what life will be like post-divorce;
- A sense of loss as they grieve the end of a relationship; and
- Guilt about contributing to the end of the marriage.
While these feelings are not out of the ordinary for couples who are going through a divorce, they can be harmful if left unaddressed. To avoid this, families should seek support during and after the divorce process to help them process their emotions.
Coping Strategies
There are a variety of coping strategies that divorcing couples can utilize to help manage the emotional impact of divorce, including:
- Seeking help from a counselor or therapist, who can help individuals process their emotions and teach coping skills for managing anxiety or depression;
- Prioritizing self-care by focusing on maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in techniques to help manage stress, like working out or meditation;
- Joining a support group made up of other people going through a similar experience, which can provide a sense of community and a forum for discussing difficult topics, like child custody-related issues; and
- Leaning on a support system, which could include friends, family members, or therapists, all of whom can provide encouragement and support during a difficult time.
These coping strategies can go a long way towards helping families process divorce in a healthy way.
What if We Have Children?
Couples with children will also need to consider how the divorce process will affect them. It can help to provide stability whenever possible, by maintaining a regular routine and trying to provide a sense of normalcy when possible. It’s also important to encourage communication, which can help children feel validated and heard and to be honest about what the family is going through and how it will change. Professionals, like family therapists can help make this transition easier, teaching parents healthy coping strategies and communication skills.
Here to Help You Navigate Your Florida Divorce
Although divorce can be difficult, by seeking support, families can successfully navigate this difficult time. Call dedicated Florida divorce attorney Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. at 954-945-7591 to learn more about how we can help you successfully navigate your divorce.